Archives: Petitions

Thanksgiving is one of America’s most cherished family holidays -- a day to spend with friends and loved ones.But, in pursuit of the almighty dollar, some retailers open their stores ...

Facebook enabled Russian interference in the United States election in 2016, but refuses to provide a full account to the public. In fact, it has recently removed data that allowed independent ...

My mother, Alice Marie Johnson is a 62-year-old grandmother serving life without parole for a first time nonviolent drug offense. She has been in prison 21 years and will die ...

Let us not sit still while Attorney General Jeff Sessions unleashes another Pandora's box of demons upon society that violates our civil and constitutional rights. He now wants to increase civil ...

As fires ripped through Northern California burning down over 8,000 homes and other buildings, and killing over 40 people, 1,700 of those fighting fires on the front lines have been California ...

Did your eggs come from caged hens? If you shop at Walmart Brazil stores, the answer is likely yes.New video footage shot at a factory farm that provides eggs to a ...

Petition to Sundar Pichai
Google to join July 12th day of action!

"The FCC wants to destroy net neutrality and give big cable companies control over what we see and do online. If they get their way, they’ll allow widespread throttling, blocking, ...

President Donald Trump released a budget proposal on 3/16/17 which calls for a $6 billion dollar cut in funding to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), or 20% of the ...

Colorado State University may want to consider changing their name to “Cruelty State University.”As a freshman at Colorado State University and a member of the Rams Organizing For Animals Rights ...

Dear President Trump and his Administration, I, Cyrus, and my friend Erin are here to encourage you and your administration to cancel the rescission of the Obama Administration's Title IX guidance to ...

My name is Atena Daemi. By the time you read this petition I will probably be in prison.  I have been sentenced to 7 years for my peaceful human rights ...

Dear Mr. Secretary General,The civil war in Syria has been raging on for more than six years, longer than World War II. The Syrian people suffer heavy losses. The brutality ...